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Homeschool Student Planner$15.00
Student Checklist$0.00
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Hi there!
I’m Amy!
I am so glad you’re here! I am a homeschooling mom of 9 and have been homeschooling for 13 years now.
I have created many products over the years just for my own kids. I am now slowly adding products to my shop to hopefully help other homeschooling families along in their journey!
We will soon be adding themed memory guides to the shop to help families with morning time memory work! So, I hope you stick around for more updates!
xo, Amy
Showing all 5 results
2025 Calendar (Digital PDF file)
$0.00A beautiful 12 Month Calendar that you can print and hang up on your wall, give to your teens to use, or even add to your mom organization binder or planner!
2025 Kids Calendar (Digital PDF file)
$0.00A beautiful and sweet 12 month calendar for kids. A picture on every page for them to color! Print on card-stock and bind together, place in a binder or use in your morning menus for your homeschool!
Homeschool Student Planner
This Homeschool Student Planner was designed with middle schoolers and high schoolers in mind. I wanted to create a simple planner with useful pages that your student will actually use! My teens helped suggest some of the content within this planner so you can be assured that it is teen approved! Scripture is included throughout using an ESV translation of The Holy Bible.
I’ve included monthly, daily, and weekly planning pages with a checklist style of weekly planning. This works great for kids and helps them to be more independent with planning without the overwhelm of using a planner. There’s a dated calendar included, but the planning pages are left undated. This helps to only use the pages as needed and not feel guilt over skipping an already dated week.
Included are pages such as a dated calendar, yearly overview, reading log, writing log, P.E. log, website tracker! This will all help aid your highschooler in keeping track with often forgotten hours for credits!
Nature Journal Book Covers
Nature Journal Covers that appeal to very young students as well as older ones! From Kindergarten through High School! These are great to use for journals to encourage kids to draw or write for nature study or even for creative writing!
Slip them in the front of a binder to use as binder covers or bind them with some note booking pages to use as a nature journal!